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How does Hopr collect customer security potential concerns?

Our security collaboration extends to our customers. Selected customers can express security concerns and challenges that our technology may solve through our Customer Advisory Board.

Is the CHIPS™ algorithm dynamic enough to seed the key generator?

There is a significant amount of dynamism (variability) in the seed elements used in CHIPS algorithms. It begins with a vast number of URLs where dynamic information can be found, and increases with the many possible locations at an URL. It increases further because algorithms have many possible structures to alter or modify the dynamic elements. This includes nearly two-dozen variables, each of which has many possible values.

How do Hopr's products meet Zero Trust principles?

Zero Trust requires verification of trust. Hopr rotates workload identity and secret credentials at a high frequency with our CHIPS™ technology and the SEE™ protocol. Hopr verifies both credentials at the start of each session to guarantee the authenticity and trust of both workloads in a communication session. Hopr's products meet 6 of the 7 NIST principles for zero trust. We intentionally do not monitor data traffic (principle #7) because we believe this increases cyber risk to PII and other sensitive data.

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